Some team or league name may be presented in various languages other than English for reference only. In the event of any differences between the English version of the team and league and this version, the English version shall prevail therefore all bets a are considered VALID.
In the event of any of the following circumstances all bets will stand:
A change of schedule and/or day of match
A change of venue
A change from indoor court to outdoor court or vice versa
A change of surface (either before or during a match)
Outright Betting/Without Favourite Betting/Quarter Betting/Half Betting
Non-runner no-bet. Markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deductions).
Winning Quarter/Winning Half
Name the tournament quarter the winner will come from (1st/2nd/3rd/4th). Name the tournament half the
winner will come from (Top/Bottom).
The specified tournament must be completed in full for bets to stand.
Name The Finalists/Final Forecast/Reach The Final
Non-runner no-bet. The specified tournament must be completed in full for bets to stand.
Match Betting Including In-Play
In the event of a match starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless after the
start of the match a player is disqualified in which case the player/team progressing to the next round
or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes.
Tournament Match Betting
Both players in a specified match-up must play 1 point in the tournament for bets to stand. If players
progress to the same round of the tournament bets will be void.
Set Betting
Bets are void if the statutory number of sets are not completed, or are changed.
Race to 3 Games (Pre-Game)
Either player must win 3 games for bets to stand.
First Set Winner
In the event of the first set not being completed bets will be void.
Tie-Break in First Set
In the event of the first set not being completed bets will be void, unless the score has reached 6-6 in
which case the market will be settled as Yes.
Tie-Break in Match
In the event of the match starting but not being completed all bets are void unless a tie-break has
already occurred, or it is impossible for a tie-break to occur e.g. during the final set of a Wimbledon
Double Result
Prices may be offered on a named player to Win or Lose the 1st set and then go on to Win or Lose the
match. In the event of match starting but not being completed all bets are void.
Total Sets
Both 2 way and 3 way markets may be offered. 3 way has 'exactly' as an option. Bets are void if the
statutory number of sets are not completed, or are changed.
Most Aces
In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet has
already been determined. Bets settled from official tournament statistics.
1st Service Game
2 way market offered for a named player to hold or break on the 1st Service Game of the match. The 1st
Service Game must be completed in full for bets to stand.
1st Break Of Serve
Name the first player to break serve in the match. If there is no break of serve in the match, bets will
be settled as a push.
Number of Sets Including In-Play
In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void unless the final set has begun or
the settlement of the bet has already been determined.
Markets Based on Total Games/Handicap Games Including In-Play
These general rules apply to Games in Individual Sets, Games in Match, Player Games, and Handicap
Betting (based on games won). In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final
For the purposes of all such markets a tie-break or Match tie-break is counted as one game.
In the event of retirement, disqualification or change of surface mid-match, bets will be void unless
there is no conceivable way the set and/or match could be played to its natural conclusion without
unconditionally determining the result of that market.
E.g. (1) A set is abandoned at 4-4: bets on Over/Under 9.5 games or fewer in the set are settled as
winners/losers respectively, since any natural conclusion to the set would have at least 10 games; bets
on Over/Under 10.5 games or more are void.
E.g. (2) A best-of-3 sets match is abandoned at 6-4 2-6: bets on Over/Under 23.5 games or fewer in match
will be settled as winners/losers respectively, since any natural conclusion to the match would have at
least 24 games; bets on Over/Under 24.5 games or more are void.
E.g. (3) A best-of-3 sets match is abandoned at 6-4 4-6 5-5: bets on either player with a handicap of
+2.5 or more will be settled as winners, bets on either player with a handicap of -2.5 or less will be
settled as losers, and bets on the tie with a handicap of +/- 3 or more will be settled as losers. All
bets on handicaps ranging from -2 to +2 will be void.
The Handicap, Total Games In Match and Player Games markets are based on a statutory number of sets (see
related Set Betting). In the event of the statutory number of sets being changed or differing from those
offered for betting purposes then all bets are void.
At the end of the match all of the games each individual player wins are totalled and the handicap
applied to determine the handicap winner.
Nationality of Winner
Nationality as displayed by the sport's governing body. Bets stand irrespective of withdrawals.
Fastest Serve Tournament
Player must serve 1 ball for bets to stand. Bets will be settled on official tournament results.
Number of Aces/Double Faults
In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet has
already been determined. Bets settled from official tournament statistics.
How Many Sets Will Player Drop During Tournament
In the event of the player retiring from the match/not starting a match (forfeit) it will count as a
loss of 2 sets for best-of-3 matches and 3 sets for best-of-5 matches.
Stage of Elimination
Player must play 1 point in the tournament for bets to stand.
Winning Seed
Predict whether the winner will be seeded odd or even. If an unseeded player wins the tournament then
all bets will be void.
Match Tie Breaks
In some competitions, matches that reach one set all are decided by a Match tie-break.
If a match is decided by a Match tie-break then the Match tie-break will be considered to be the 3rd
set. Set Betting will be settled as 2-1 to the winner of the Match tie-break.
Any bets taken in error for the Correct Score or Number of Games in the 3rd set will be void.
In-Play Game Markets (Current and Next)
The player who serving in the relevant game is denoted by (Svr).
If the wrong player is indicated as (Svr), then any bets taken on Current or Next Game, Current or Next
Game Score, Current or Next Game to Deuce, Point Betting or Next Game First Point will be void,
regardless of the result.
In the event of the next scheduled game being a tie-break or Match tie-break all bets on that game will
be void, with the exception of Next Game First Point.
Game to Deuce will be settled as Yes if the score reaches 40-40 at any stage.
If any game includes the awarding of a penalty point(s) by the umpire, all bets on that game will stand.
If the umpire awards a penalty game, or in the event of a game not being completed through player
injury, all bets on that game will be void, with the exception of Game to Deuce if settlement has
already been determined. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement.
The score will not be updated for live betting and the handicap shown during live trading refers to the
score at the
start of the match i.e. 0-0. The times and scores displayed are for reference purposes only.
In-Play Race Markets
Bets are settled based on the first player to reach the nominated number of games in the relevant set.
In the event of neither player reaching the number of games required (because of abandonment) then bets
on that market will be void. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final
If the relevant set is not played then all race markets for that set will be void.
In-Play Set Betting
Match must be completed for bets to stand. In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets
will be void.
In-Play Set Winner (Current and Next)
In the event of a set starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless settlement of
bets is already determined.
In-Play Set Score (Current and Next)
If no next set played then bets on that set will be void. The nominated set must be completed for bets
to stand. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement.
In some competitions matches that reach one set are decided by a Match tie-break.
If a match is decided by a Match tie-break then the Match tie-break will be considered to be the 3rd
set. Set Betting will be settled as 2-1 to the winner of the Match tie-break, and 3rd set winner will
also be settled accordingly. Any bets taken on Next Game Winner or Next Game Score will be void if the
next game turns out to be a Match tie-break, though any bets on Next Game First Point will stand. Any
bets taken in error for the Correct Score or Number of Games in the 3rd set will be void.
In-Play Total Games in Next Set
If no next set played then bets on that set will be void. See also the general rules on Total Games
markets. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement.
In-Play Point Betting
Bets are offered for a player to win the nominated point. In the event of the point not being played,
due to the game or match ending, all bets on that point will be void. In the event of forfeited points,
these will count for final settlement.
If the nominated point is awarded as a penalty point, all bets on that point will be void.
Bets stand regardless of whether or not a point takes place in a tie-break.
In-Play Tie-Break Markets (Including Match Tie-Breaks)
If a tie-break is not played in the nominated set, all bets on these markets are void. All bets stand
irrespective of whether or not the tie-break includes the awarding of a penalty point.
If the umpire awards the tie-break as a penalty game prior to the game starting, all bets on the
tie-break will be void.
If the tie-break is awarded as a penalty game whilst in progress, bets on tie-break winner will stand,
but bets on tie-break score will be void (unless the only way the tie-break could be won was Any Other.)
Bets on tie-break total points will only be settled if the tie-break has already exceeded the relevant
line or would have to exceed the line in order to reach a natural conclusion.
In the event of the tie-break not being completed through disqualification or retirement, all bets on
the tie-break will be void, with the exception of tie-break total points as detailed above.
If the official outcome of a tie-break is unspecified (e.g. either awarded as a penalty game or via
disqualification) then all bets on the tie-break will be void, with the exception of tie-break total
points as detailed above.
In-Play - Player to be Broken During Match
In the event of disqualification or retirement, bets will be void if the player has not yet been broken
(unless there is no conceivable opportunity for them to serve again - in which case bets will be settled
on the player having not been broken).
In-Play - Incorrect Server
If the wrong player is indicated as (Svr), then any bets taken on Current or Next Game, Current or Next
Game Score, Point Betting or Next Game First Point will be void, regardless of the result.
Moneyline markets refer to the winner of the match or specified set. Handicap markets are based either on sets or games
(please refer to market title); Over/Under and Odd/Even markets based on games (unless otherwise stated).